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Submit a Session or
Short Course Proposal
Learn about our Proposal submission process.
Call for Sessions
CEW 2025 is now accepting scientific session proposals. Potential session chairs are asked to provide a session title, name of co-chair(s) and affiliation, and a brief description (≤ 300 words) of their proposed session, which should include rationale, goals/objectives, and target audience. In addition, the proposal should include a strategy for inviting speakers to ensure robust participation in the session.
Call for Short Courses
CEW 2025 is now inviting proposals for professional development short courses related to terrestrial and aquatic ecotoxicology. If you are interested in leading a professional development short course on Sunday, October 5th, 2025 that fits within the scope of CEW, please submit a brief (up to 500 words) proposal for a course that includes: the course title, the proposed course content, and the expertise of the instructor (and co-instructors if applicable). In addition, please identify whether it would be a full- or half-day course, the anticipated maximum and minimum enrolment numbers, and any special space and/or equipment needs.
For questions or to submit a proposal, please contact us at The deadline to submit session proposals is Friday February 28th, 2025.
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